Research Featured in BAF Article

Research Points to Potential Way to Detect Brain Aneurysms with a Blood Test

January 24, 2018/ Original Source

An estimated five percent of Americans harbor an unruptured brain aneurysm which, if it ruptures, can be fatal or result in lifelong disabilities. Because most unruptured aneurysms have no symptoms, they remain dormant, often being found only after they rupture.

The early detection of brain aneurysms has been a goal of researchers for decades, as it would make it possible for doctors to monitor and, if necessary, treat aneurysms to avoid rupture and its often-devastating consequences. With funding from the Brain Aneurysm Foundation (BAF), a team of researchers at State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo, NY, and the Toshiba Stroke and Vascular Research Center has potentially found a way to detect brain aneurysms early with a simple blood test.

Their research was published in a paper in the January 17, 2018 issue of PLoS One entitled “Circulating Neutrophil Transcriptome May Reveal Intracranial Aneurysm Signature.” The authors are Vincent Tutino, Kerry Poppenberg, Kaiyu Jiang, James Jarvis, Yijun Sun, Ashish Sonig, Adnan Siddiqui, Kenneth Snyder, Elad Levy, John Kolega, and Hui Meng (full citation below).

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