Featured in UB Publication


Nov 6, 2019/ Original Source

In 2002, Western New York entrepreneur Jeff Harvey lost his wife and high school sweetheart, Carol Harvey, to two ruptured brain aneurysms.

Years later, he is honoring her memory by working with UB engineering and medical researchers with the goal of preventing similar deaths.

Harvey is co-founder of Neurovascular Diagnostics, a UB spinoff company that is developing a low-cost blood test to screen high-risk patients for unruptured brain aneurysms — pathological bulging in blood vessels that can eventually burst.

The effort just got a boost from the National Science Foundation (NSF), which has awarded the company $750,000 in Phase II Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) funding, building on the company’s successful completion of Phase I SBIR research.

The National Institutes of Health is also supporting Neurovascular Diagnostics, with the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke granting the startup a $225,000 Phase I SBIR award to identify biomarkers associated with particularly dangerous aneurysms (many aneurysms never rupture, and not all aneurysms need to be treated).

In addition to Harvey, co-founders of Neurovascular Diagnostics include:

  • Chief Scientific Officer Hui Meng, UB Distinguished Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.
  • Chief Medical Officer Kenneth Snyder, assistant professor of neurosurgery, radiology and neurology in the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at UB.
  • President and CEO Vincent Tutino, research assistant professor in the Jacobs School and in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Tutino has a joint appointment in the departments of Neurosurgery, Pathology and Anatomical Sciences, and Biomedical Engineering.

More about this report at: Original Source
